Thursday, November 20, 2008

How to Reduce Child Support

For something that should be so simple, child support can be a very complicated thing. What many parents don't realize is that child support is not just based on income.

While income is an important factor, it is not the most important one. Visitation is a key component when the courts determine the amount of child support. For instance, regardless of your income, if you have custody of your child(ren) half of the time, you likely will not have to pay child support. The theory behind it is the fact that you are directly supporting the child(ren) half of the time.

So many parents, fathers in particular, are frustrated by the large amount of their child support payments without realizing that by asserting their right to more visitation time, they can effectively reduce child support in the process. It creates a win-win, saving money, and more importantly, spending more time with one's child(ren).

For more information about what you can do to reduce or possibly eliminate your child support payments, and how to assert and protect your parental rights CLICK HERE.

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