Thursday, July 9, 2009

Common Sense is Not Very Common

At The Attorney Connection's Child Custody Center, our Attorneys talk to hundreds of people per month regarding issues of child custody, visitation and child support. A common call involves fathers trying to reduce or terminate their child support payments.

Many times, the scenario they explain is fairly cut and dry... i.e. they had a dramatic reduction in income, or they have the child way more than per the court order, or both. We even have calls where their children are past the age of emancipation, and where the child support should have been terminated years ago, but the fathers are still making payments, often of $500-$1000/per month. What's amazing is the next part...

Do they spend the low flat fee to get the child support order modified? Many do not, stating that they can't afford it. Even though the service would more than pay for itself in a month or two, they choose to do nothing. In the long run, they end up spending thousands of dollars more because they choose to do nothing and end up making child support payments indefinitely.

And from an Attorney's perspective, it is painful to hear. We are trying to provide an affordable, professional service to help parents get out of situations like this, but ultimately the parent much decide to take action. Unfortunately, some people just want to complain and whine, and do nothing to change their situation. As the saying goes, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results."

If this scenario rings a bell, use common sense and TAKE ACTION.

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